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Nature Reserve & Biological Station

Conservation Internship

Conservation in practice

As an intern you will participate in all our daily work that is related with the conservation of our nature reserve and find out what practical conservation work looks like.




As an intern you will:

- build and maintain the trails in the reserve

- care for the organic garden

- assist in bird monitoring and mist-netting

- control camera traps and analyse mammal activity

- accompany us to local conservation workshops

- plan environmental education workshops for local kids

- clean and care for the bird feeding stations

- plant "living fences" trees and help in reforestation project

- catch, trap and identify butterflies

study hummingbird plant interactions

- write articles for our blog


Dates 2017


You can start your conservation internship preferably on the following dates: 
March 8

April 12, 19 or 26

May 17

September 6 or 13  
October 4 or 11

November 8 or 15

December 6 


Furthermore, we recommend to combine the internship with the participation in the tropical ecology & conservation course. Interns who participate in the course before starting their internship will receive a 50$ credit. 


Costs from 175 US$ per week


Costs depend on the duration of stay and include food & lodging at the biological station, (internship-related) on-site transportation, use of station facilities and equipment, professional supervision and taxes. The internship can last between 4 and 24 weeks. Costs depend on the duration of stay.


More infos here:
From our Blog....

I have never laughed and learned so much at the same time...


Martina, Germany

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