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Nature Reserve & Biological Station

  • Writer's pictureunpocodelchoco


I was just finishing my cup of coffee after lunch (14.00) at the station’s house when I coincidentally spotted the Banded Ground-Cuckoo on the trail to our house. It was sunbathing on the part of the trail where we had fed Wilito until October. I approached it carefully but the cuckoo did not bother and pretty soon it was clear that this was an individual I had already fed. Wilo and Cristian started collecting grasshoppers immediately and after 10 minutes I was feeding it. AMAZING!! There were no ants around and I guess that’s the reason why it stayed around for so long. After our first observation for about one and a half hours the cuckoo left. We went back to the station to have a quick coffee. Then I wanted to go back to our house to spread the great news, but the cuckoo didn’t let me go. Again it was sunbathing, next to the trail, perched on a twig. In the end it wandered around in the forest right next to the station and we observed it until 17.30. Right now Wilo and Cristian are trying to follow it. Maybe we can find its roost again.

Without an army ants swarm around it will be difficult to relocate the cuckoo, but who knows maybe it is not following any ants right now and remembers that there will always be some grasshoppers waiting for it next to the station.

And here some photos of the bird enjoying the sunlight!!

Cuckoo is back

Banded Ground Cuckoo

Banded Ground Cuckoo

Cuckoo is back

This blog post was written by Nicole

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